Intermediate loan

The building society’s intermediate loan – a bridge between the house you wish and the allotment

Suppose you find the apartment or the house of your dreams much earlier than expected. In that case, Wüstenrot’s intermediate loan is an ideal solution. This intermediate credit will allow you to bridge the period up to the allotment of your mortgage savings plan.There is but one prerequisite: you must have saved the minimum amount as fixed in the variable tariff – 30-50 % of the amount of the mortgage savings agreement, according to the choice you made. Up to the allotment of the savings agreement, you only pay the interest for the intermediate credit, but there will be no repayment. When the savings agreement is allotted, the intermediate loan is set off against the allotted savings amount. The low-interest mortage savings loan will be the only remaining debt.

The application form needed for an intermediate loan is available with our sales representatives or at the Wüstenrot offices.